
Details about social media marketing

In previous days social media is fully based on newspapers, telegrams, and radio. After the entry of social media in networks it becomes more popular and spreading the news becomes faster than all. Nowadays news was spread by all social media app such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.., Social media is useful to know about the websites and to promote the service or a product for a sale or service. In this, they use two terms such as e-marketing and digital marketing both of these are still dominant in the academic wise and it becomes popular for both researchers and practitioners. While social media marketing dense should consent to clientele to post their feedback, comment, and reviews about the product, these are helpful to give the ratings about the product. In social media marketing occupy the use of networks, Social networks such as Face book, twitter they provide advertisers with information about the like and dislikes of the consumers. The role of social media in marketing is used as a communication tool that makes as accessible to those interested in your products. For brands and business social media is used to target specific customers and create relationships as humans. Furthermore, we may use this link .

Advantages of social media marketing:

  • It helps to improve brand awareness
  • Increases the exchange rates
  • Improves the loyalty of a brand
  • The cost must be effective
  • It helps to improve our thought leadership

Disadvantages of social media marketing:

  • There will be more consuming of time
  • There must be active and stay engaged
  • In this, the ROI is less
  • Some problems and there must be difficulty in measuring
  • It has some issues in security and policies

Gif for marketing:

GIF: Graphics interchange format. It was developed by CompuServe led American computer scientist SteveWilhite in June 1987.

Gifs make people remember the product easily and it also covers the people and stimulates them to buy the product. Gifs are nothing new but their use is more popular than ever. Gifs make the product very attractive to any brand or product which this makes to reach the people easily. It is considered as the type of internet language.

Advantages of gif for marketing:

  • Gifs are easy to open and consume it
  • It shows the offer for a product and an offer
  • It helps to improve your company’s culture

Gif for Use Facebook ads:

Mark Zuckerberg the person who is against for the animated posts and ads for a long time The stated cause is this was a “interrupt user knowledge” but when the auto-play video characteristic began to Facebook ads since 2013 we know that it will bring some changes at some point and when the auto-play video advertisement began in mobile ad networks in AUG 2015 at that time their more modify are regarding come. Research has shown many times those video ads in Facebook news feed can increase post engagement and this is crucial for Facebook advisors. Sometimes gifs are considered game-changers. They expect attractively and attention raising gifs must be true.