
Many dogs sometimes lick or nibble their paws: Why are they doing this?

hyperkeratosis in dogs

Socks, slippers, shoes, boots, the man pays a lot of attention to the protection of his feet. Our dogs and cats are not real. Your pet’s feet come into daily contact with all types of surfaces and materials that require their shock-absorbing property. Jump, run, dig, the foot pads can endure a lot, but if they dry out, they become hard and full of cracks and cracks. This causes pain and discomfort, with possible limitation. For the hyperkeratosis in dogs this is important.

If the foot cushion of your four-legged friend is chronically dry and irritated, or he is constantly nibbling or licking his paws, make an appointment with your vet. There are various possible underlying causes or conditions. One is worse than the other. That is why it is important to contact your veterinarian in time if you pay attention to some details:

  • One or more legs
  • One or more toes
  • Bottom or top of the leg
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Bleed
  • Fur discoloration
  • Discolorations or many ‘calluses’ on the legs
  • Period of problems
  • Limp
  • Odor

All these elements help to get a quicker idea of ​​the extent and severity of the situation, as well as the possible cause of it. This way your veterinarian can estimate the problem and provide appropriate advice.

hyperkeratosis in dogs

Lick and nibble

Constant licking and nibbling on the legs, it could be an indication that something is wrong a nutritional deficiency, an allergy or some other medical reason. If nothing is to be found, it can simply be a matter of treating the foot pad with a good, nourishing balm. Which medical conditions may or may not give chronic, dry foot pads with fissures? List the most important ones for you.

Summer weather

In hot weather, the road surface heats up. A temperature of 30 ° C is equal to an asphalt temperature of 57.2 ° C. Just for comparison at a temperature of 55 ° C you bake a fried egg at 5 minutes. By having your four-legged friend reach the road surface at these temperatures, they can burn their feet and dry them out.

Winter weather

The cold condition together with road salt and sand cause irritation and drying of the footpads.


Senior animals mainly dogs sometimes suffer from hyperkeratosis. With this condition there is an overproduction of keratin, with chronic dry foot pads full of fissures. This phenomenon is also sometimes observed in humans. In addition to the soles of the feet, hyperkeratosis can also occur at the level of the nose and the girders usually at the level of the elbows.

Chemical products

Chemical products can be seen broadly in particular: road salt, fertilizers, weed killer, cleaning products, fabric softener, and detergent. The irritation can therefore come from different angles of our living environment, from walking in the field to your own home. So be alert about the use of these products. The products dry out the foot pads and cause irritation at the height of the house between the toes, resulting in licking and nibbling. Licking and nibbling will aggravate the damage or condition of the feet. You need to have a proper idea for the same now and that is for sure.