
Medical Abortion by pills: know the risks

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Medical abortion is a non-surgical procedure for interrupting an unwanted pregnancy. It is a safer and more comfortable method and does not affect any fertility. Even if you want to avoid chirurgical abortion, it is good to know that there are risks on the side of these pills and that not all of them are as safe as they think. You can easily get the pills from tabletki poronne sklep but here’s what you need to know before using this procedure!

What do you need to know about the abortion pill?

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Abortion pills are only recommended if you have a health condition that allows you to use such a procedure. There are conditions that abortion pills could aggravate. It is very important to use this method of discontinuing pregnancy only at the advice of your doctor who pre-tests you and thoroughly interviews you about the problems you suffer before resorting to it. Abortion pills containing mifepristone and misoprostol are safe to complete a pregnancy that has a maximum of 9 weeks. After this gestational age, they become dangerous to your health. Using these pills avoids the risk of infection or maternal death occurring during surgical procedures to interrupt a pregnancy. Physicians, as well as those from the World Health Organization, say abortion pills are safe and risk-free. However, these may occur in the event of incorrect product administration or disease with which they may interfere. The effectiveness of this method is almost 98%, but it depends on how correct it is and the stage of pregnancy evolution.

What are the risks and side effects of administering abortion pills?

Under proper administration, the pill does not endanger your health. There may be some unpleasant side effects that go short after completing the procedure:

  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Headache;
  • Dizziness;
  • Fever;
  • Feeling weak;
  • Cramps of the lower abdomen;
  • Abnormal hemorrhage (following the removal of fetal egg);
  • Diarrhea etc.

Complications of this abortion are quite rare and are caused by incorrect or irresponsible administration of the drug. There are also medical conditions that do not allow this to be accomplished either because pregnancy has been complicated or that the risks involved with active substances in the body are too high:

Situations in which abortion drugs are not recommended in any way

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Intrauterine sterile;
  • Extra uterine pregnancy;
  • Allergy to these substances;
  • Steroid therapy;
  • Term over 9 weeks.

There are a few complications, extremely rare, which can also occur after the correct procedure. These are extremely isolated cases, but they are part of the medicine leaflet. This is incomplete abortion, continued pregnancy, or severe bleeding. In such cases, physicians either increase the dose of pills to the total elimination of the fetal egg, or supplement the abortion with manual vacuum aspiration of fetal tissue scraps.

How does the pill actually work?

There are four ways in which the pill acts to prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg. First of all, the hormones in the pill try to stop ovum from the ovary every month. This process is known as suppression of ovulation. Research shows that neither pill with progesterone nor combination with progesterone and estrogen always stop ovulation.

It is very important to understand that none of these modes of action of the pill is completely safe. Ovulation is not always suppressed, cervical mucus does not always prevent sperm movement, damage to the lining of the uterus, sometimes allows implantation, and the change in uterine tube motility does not always stop sperm fertilization by the sperm to create a new human person.