
What is Affiliate Marketing Training and How to Get It?

Affiliate Training Learn How To Make Money

Affiliate marketing basically allows you to earn a commission by promoting other people’s products. The affiliate is a retailer who earns a commission for each product he will be able to sell, a bit like what happens to offline retailers, that is those that are door-to-door or those in call centers. You will need the information on Affiliate Training Learn How To Make Money .

There are 3 parties involved in this market.

  • The advertiser or rather the one who makes the announcement available
  • The publisher that is the one who promotes the announcement
  • The consumer is the end user

The beauty of affiliations is that in the end, everyone gets it. You are happy because you earned your commission.

The company is happy because it made a sale or received a contact

Affiliate Training Learn How To Make Money

The user is happy because thanks to you he found what he was looking for Making affiliate marketing is not just about promoting and selling products created by others, but you can also be the one to put your product in affiliation. For example, if you have created an info-product, like a video course, you can decide to share it on an affiliate network and allow others to sell it in exchange for a commission. This also means doing affiliate marketing. In fact, this work is basically divided into 2 parts:

  • The merchant or the person who creates the product
  • The affiliate that is the person who will promote the product

The merchant makes available a product to sell via its website or through an affiliate network which generates a link that ends with a reference.

Affiliate link

That reference indicates that any user starts browsing the merchant’s site via that link, he will do so on behalf of the affiliate who will earn a commission on a possible purchase. The only thing the publisher needs to do is to promote that link with all available means. The possible traffic sources are different, and we will see them shortly but anticipate that the absolute best way to see affiliate products is to write detailed product reviews.

Reasons to do Affiliate Marketing

To better understand what affiliate marketing is and how it works; let’s examine all the advantages of this fantastic world. The affiliations are a great way to earn money online, for both the beginnings, both for those already experienced. Here are the main reasons:

Getting started is easy

As an affiliate, you don’t need to create anything but you will simply have to sell an existing product, this will save you a lot of time and money. Starting to work as an affiliate is extremely easy, just sign up for the affiliate program of the product you want to promote and get the link identifying your account, which tracks all the user’s movements using cookies.

  • You don’t have to spend time and money creating a product
  • You don’t have to buy physical products, let alone have a warehouse to store them
  • You do not need to manage an e-Commerce and any payments
  • You don’t have to take care of customer support

Basically, your only task is to be able to bring quality traffic to the product landing page for the user to make a conversion. Through affiliations, you can earn commissions up to 70% depending on the product and the network.